Gay pirates

Just because it's such a wonderful and sad song with really good (and true) lyrics. The only thing that could've been better is the title.

Just a thought.

Homosexuality - Fag hag

Yes, I'm a fag hag. When I think about it I've always been; wither I knew it or not. My favorite male characters from children's programs and stuff has always been the more feminine ones. I don't know why I like gay people actually. Maybe it's because of the "forbidden love", or that the society (at least many people) think it's wrong and/or disgusting and I therefor want to support them? But since I've liked them all my life I don't think that's it. I'm just born a fag hag. Come join me in the world of BL!

"Elder Aaron Davis: I didn't come to unload on you.
Lila Montagne: You gave me that privilege once. Let me return the favor.
Elder Aaron Davis: After we... After we met, I was... sent home and excommunicated... for being gay.
Lila Montagne: Your church doesn't like alcohol or homosexuals. Hmm... Well, I'm definitely not joining. Can't imagine heaven without both." - Part from the movie "Latter days". A wonderfull movie, really!

I second on that statement! Or well, maybe not the alcohol part but the rest. I think that God loves all of his children no matter what. As sung by "God" in the movie "The Big Gay Musical": "You are not alone. I am here with you. You're never alone, I walk with you. I'm always with you. And I'll never leave you, I'm with you from abow. I'm not here to punish, I am the God of love." I think that's true. Why would God create gay people if he didn't like them?

Just my logic.

"My book? Who said it was my book? What do you think I faxed it down here? It was written by man. It was interpreted by man. It was abused by man." - "God" in "The Big Gay Musical."


Should I tell you something fun? Like Larry the cucumber once said: "It's a time to be silly, and there's a time to be serious." I think that works both ways. So this time I won't write about my logic, but something that'll put a smile on all you serious people out there. I just need to come up with something... I know what you're thinking; "Why should she spend her time on coming up with something funny when we're just here to read serious thoughts?" I don't have a good answer to that. I just want to make a little bit of the world a little bit happier. Maybe we need that in this all too serious world we live in? Just a little smile on someones face. Whoever it is, wherever you are, and for what reason you're smiling; I'd be glad to be the one creating that smile.

When I think about it, comedians should be considered craftsmen. After all, they're creating smiles and laughter. That should be the best job in the world. It's sad how people seem to think that they're "better" than someone just 'cause their jobs are "more important", and that "Comedian is not a real profession; it's just poor people with no talent and skill who's trying to make a living." or something like that. If you ask me, people who can make others smile should be as respected as lawyers and doctors. Not that "lawyers and doctors" deserve more respect than others, but I think you get my point? Oh dear, look at that. It became a serious text after all! And I still don't know what I should write... Well, one funny thing is that when I write here it's "Do not judge!" but when I write to my friends and/or talks it's "Donut judge!" or well, "Doughnut judge!". Just a fun fact, no? Well then, since I can't make you smile myself I'll just give you some links to sites that may:

... That was all I could think of. Sorry. "orz

Just some of my logic.


I don't like lying. If I can, I try to avoid it as much as I can. Apparantly "the statics" say that people lie about five times a day. I don't think I do. Not even white lies. Of course I'm not saying that I never lie, 'cause I do! For example if I've overslept and missed breakfast, I won't tell my parents that if they call and ask me if I woke up in time. I just don't want to dissapoint them and make them worry since they're so concerned about how much I eat. I think I'll do a test tomorrow. Everytime I've told some sort of lie I'll make a mark on my hand. Then I'll see how much I do lie...

(Next day) It didn't work. I forgot to do it. Hopefully I'll remember tomorrow!
(Next day) Argh, I didn't remember. -.-" But yeah, I actually don't think I've lied anything today. And that's the truth! It could be that I've been wrong about something, but in that case it was unintentional and not lying but... providing false information? No I don't know.

Just my thoughts.


"I just moved in to a boarding school. It's really scary and I just want to get out of "my" room. That made me think about how we take in our surroundings. What should it matter if you're home, far away, alone or with someone you know? If you think about it, it's pretty weird." I wrote that part the first day here, one week ago. The night before I got to meet people and got more used to this. At the moment I love it here and reading that part surprised me. But yeah. I still think that it's a bit strange how being in familiar places affects us. Of course I realize that it's "in our nature" to be tense at new places, and that we want to know that we're safe and so on...

Just my thoughts.

Be kind

Just a child's logic.


What's up with human and pride? Not pride as in "I'm proud over you" or "I'm proud of this thing I made", but pride as in "I won't admit I was wrong" and "I can do this! I don't need any help!". Of course it's not always a bad thing with pride, but many times you'll just end up hurting yourself or someone else.

Two of my friends are having this huge fight. I never picked a side. It's "just" a fight online 'cause we all just know each other over a site called "Dayviews". I've been commenting on both's pictures but I've never actually said that "I agree with you, she was wrong". I think that both of them have good points. Now my other friends and maybe also they, is going to see this and know who I'm talking about. I really hope that nobody will get angry or sad over this. I like you both and it's not my fight so please don't judge me or feel attacked.

It started with A who put up pictures of jewelry and some doll eyes she had made. Friend B then thought that she got the idea from another site that sells dolls and things to them. And then it just went on and on. I understand that people think that A copied some things, and I understand that it's not fun to be accused of stealing an idea.

Where am I getting with this? I don't really know. I think that both of them could've acted different. They're not bad people, they just got... some pride issues I guess? Once again, I'm really not trying to talk bad about any of them. I think that they're both nice and talented and it's just sad that their personalities don't match. They could've been good friends, I'm sure. For the last time, just to get through: I'm NOT pointing you out and speaking bad about you. You're good, you're great, you're awesome. If I hurt you, I'm really truly sorry!

Just my logic.


Why's the human mind so complicated? "Animals don't have feelings." Really? Have you ever had a dog...? If animals don't have feelings, then why are a dog happy to see you after a long time? Scared, angry, hurtful...? I don't understand people who says that animals can't feel. It's like saying that they're just robots. Another dumb "logic" is that if you have less feelings the dumber you are. "It's just a dumb animal, it doesn't feel anything." And also people seems to think that if someone's dumb they are "like animals" and therefor has no feelings. In a way, the animals are much smarter than us. Not only can they sense someones feelings and comfort them without complaining or making it worse; but they don't judge. Or well, of course they do, but not in the same way as humans. In a way, I wish I was a animal. I think the world would be better if there was no humans. But who knows, right. Apparently we must have some purpose at least, otherwise we wouldn't be here...

Just my logic.

A poem

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I can't remember this girl I see
Sitting right in front of me
When was the time she dissapeared?
I can't remember

There was a time when we were one
When we would gaze into the sun
When everyday was bright and fun
I can't remember

I can't remember how it felt
To not feel like today will melt
And be a girl not full of hate
Who can remember

I wish I could lay down to sleep
Just stop being a lazy creep
And when I wake I would become
The same kind of girl I once was

(This girl seems so distant)

Just a poem.


"It was love at first sight." I don't belivie in that. If you fall in love with someone as soon as you see them, it's not the person you fall in love with but their looks. Of course you can "crush" on someone because they're doing something cool or funny etc; but I don't belive that you can fall in love with them. If you ask me, the correct line would be "It was crush on first sight.".

Now that we're talking about love, I just want to ask why there is something like homophobia and racism or ... interracial relationships-phobia? I mean, why should others care about who I am dating? If I'm a girl, why should they care if I'm going out with another girl? Or if I'm dating someone black, brown, red, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray, orange, pink... Let me handle myself thank you. Like I said before, we're all human! Human soul + human soul = love.

Now maybe you'll think something like "You're wrong! Me and my dog loves eachother!". If that's the case: Good for you! If you're refering to the same love I am, it's gotta be tough for you guys. There is many different kinds of love.
"Love, love, love, love, love, love, love and love." Maybe even more.
"I love my boyfriend."
"I love my sister."
"I love my dog."
"I love my friends."
"I love my bed."
"I love the summer."
"I love to sing."
"I love apples."

And so on, and so on... Define love? Here's what "Dictionary.reference" says:
1. A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
2. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3. Sexual passion or desire.

There you go. Even thought the word is the same, you don't love your family, friends, pets, teachers and partner the same way.

Just my logic.

Homophobia - A christian view part 1

(Continuation of last post)
If you've seen "Prayers for Bobby" (such a wonderful movie) you know what I meen. A church where gays can turn for support and courage. Some other christians may say that "Being gay is an abomination" and that "God hates gay people". I don't belive in that. I belive in a God who's loving and who cares about his children. I was angsting about this topic (homophobia), but I've desided to split it up in parts. So to complete the post for this time, I want to write down some quotes.

Mary Griffith: (I'm not writing the actuall quote 'cause it's so long.)
"God" (Big Gay Musical): "My book? Who said it was my book? What do you think, I faxed it down here? It was written by man. It was interpreted by man. It was abused by man."

Well, that was just two, but I like them. If you, or someone else you know, is homophobic; you should really, really, really watch "Prayers for Bobby". Even if you're not homophobic at all, you should watch it. It's just so touching. I don't even got words to describe it... I'll definitively come back to this subject later.

Just my logic.


(Continuation of last post)
When I see a beggar, it gets me down. I feel so bad for them and I just want to run up to them and give them all my money and tell them to come stay at my place. But I don't. I don't have the courage, and I've heard that if you're on vacation somewhere and give someone money, you get robbed... So I don't. If it's here in Sweden though, I can drop a penny or two; but I don't tell them to live with me or such. Not that I've got a place of my own to deside over... But nonono, I won't let someone that I don't know in. When I'm older, and hopefully rich, I want to build some kind of home where they can get food, clothes and shelter. Also, I want them to try and work with small things. After a while maybe they can get a real job and even their own place. If they aren't to old. I also want to send money to Africa and other places, like I asked my mum to do instead of buying me lots of birthday presents. Besides from the homeless shelter, I want to build a church which supports HBT-persons.

Just my logic, or thoughts.

Prejudging by looks and gender

(Continuation of last post)
One of my friends is a 36 years old guy who likes to collect dolls (BJDs, just like me) and My Little Ponnies. His favorite colors are pink and purple, and he loves cute stuff! When people hear that, they think "Oooh...". You did, didn't you? He's not gay, nor is he a girl (traped in a boy, or in a girl) so why should people just jump to conclutions? Prejudging sickens me... Even though I, too, judge people based on looks sometimes; I feel bad about it. I'm always trying my hardest not to think that way, I still do. Not as bad as some people though. When I see someone new I just think "Fat... but still cute", "Ugly... but in a somehow cute way", "Geek... but still pretty" and so on... Now that I think about it, I'm always seeing their goods too. Everyone has them. If you look just a little bit longer, I bet you'll see it too. Or well, I'm not "always" seeing their "goods"; but if I don't, I feel pitty for them. Because all the exceptions are alcoholics, homeless's and old sick people. Not that I "don't like them", but I don't see them in the same light as other people. I imagine their lives and what they must've gone through. It really gets me sad.

Just my logic.


My mum is always closing the blinds in my room when it's time for bed. So is both my grandmas when I'm at their houses. Even though I'm seventeen years old, they treat me like a child. Some people gets mad at their parents when such things happen. "Stop treating me as a child! I'm not a kid anymore!" We've all heard that before. In movies, books, games... It's just common sense to want some respect. So when do you really stop being a child? Some say at 16, some 18 and some 21. I say: never! Because for your parents and older relatives, you'll always be a kid. Even when you yourself is a parent. After all, you'll always be younger than them and they'll always feel responsible for you. If you ask me, "child" and "adult" is just refering to your age, not your mind. When a random person sees you and thinks that "you're a child", they're refering to your age and looks; but if your mother sees you and thinks the same, she's refering to your age in comparition to her. And to the place you've got in her heart, as well as your memories together. Another thing about being a child or an adult is all the judging! If someone sees me in my cute, pink, frilly clothes and with my dolls, they think that I'm "childish". If someone sees me in my formal wear and with a book or a crossword, they think that I'm "mature". I don't really understand why it has to be that way. I'm still the same person, aren't I?

Just my logic.

Photographing true people

I've got a confession. One of my hobbys, or rather dreams... Yeah, dreams's the word! Is taking nude pictures of people. Girls, boys, old, young, in all colors and sizes. Of course not erotic pictures or anything where you can see... too much. Why? Because normaly people wear clothes, and "the clothes makes the person". If I wear a pink frilly shirt, I'm acting more cute but if I wear a black shirt from some metal band; I'm acting more cool. I feel different to. That's why I want to take black and white pictures of naked people. To catch their soul and their true feelings.

I don't know if this is "my logic" but more like... "my thoughts" I guess.


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